'Twas the last days before Christmas, when all through the stores
Not enough customers were coming thru the sliding front doors.
The shopping carts were arranged in a tidy neat row,
Awaiting frenzied shoppers to spend lots of dough.
The registers were staffed by an anticipating crew,
With hopes that paying shoppers were surely soon due.
And the manager with keys and the new hire named Don,
Had just checked the front sign to make sure it was on.
When out in the parking lot there arose such a stew,
Employees rushed to the windows to see the new view.
Away from the panes they returned to their places,
With not a grin but frowns on their faces.
For it was not future buyers making the fuss,
But just a trash truck and a big passing bus.
Now time was short to start making sales,
Discounts and coupons should cure all that ails.
But customers still did not buy in quantities sought,
Retailers scared of low revenues from products not bought.
Wishing but knowing that holiday earnings wouldn't be stout,
But in the back of their minds, Congress might bail them out.
Maybe this is a time to just try to scrape by,
And come back December 26th to give it another try.
For then unwrapped gift cards will be burning a hole,
In wallets of shoppers ready to give it another go.
To get what they want, to make post-Christmas hay,
Let's hope they spend until this New Year's Day.
Retailing is tough, this holiday season two thousand-eight,
Let's just survive and see next year's fate.
So from the advertisements giving it one more last try,
"Happy Christmas to all, and please from us buy."
Not much has changed since last year --
re-posted from this blog (12-18-08)
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